The debt of the military penal code with the principle of taxation

An example taken from the crime of abandonment of post




Principle of mere legality, principle of strict legality, taxation, penal guarantee, abandonment of the position, military penal code


This article studies the tension between the principle of strict legality or strictness and the criminal type of abandonment of the position. To this end, and based on a methodology of qualitative approach and argumentative descriptive type, the work was divided into three chapters. In the first, the paradox that exists in being and should be in the task of adjudicating the right is exposed, to then conceptualize the principle of taxation and support the reasons why this is considered the basis of a cognitive criminal law model and, therefore, guarantor. Next, the study of the criminal type of abandonment of the content position in the current Military Penal Code is addressed and it is shown that it is written with vague and imprecise language, and, therefore, not exhaustive. Finally, some recommendations are presented to reconcile the application of the aforementioned crime with the principle of strict legality.

Author Biographies

Edwin Alexander Aranguren-Rodríguez, Escuela Superior de Guerra “General Rafael Reyes Prieto”, Bogotá D. C., Colombia

Major of the Colombian National Army. Specialist in Criminal Law, Sergio Arboleda University, Colombia. Specialist in Criminal Procedural Law, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Colombia. Lawyer, Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, Colombia. 14 years of experience in positions in Military and Police Criminal Justice.

Jefferson Francisco Pineda-Díaz, Escuela Superior de Guerra “General Rafael Reyes Prieto”, Bogotá D. C., Colombia

Major of the Colombian National Army. Specialist in Procedural Legal Institutions, National University of Colombia, Colombia. Specialist in Criminal Procedural Law, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Colombia. Lawyer, Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, Colombia. 17 years of experience in positions in Military and Police Criminal Justice.


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How to Cite

Aranguren-Rodríguez, E. A. and Pineda-Díaz, J. F. (2022) “The debt of the military penal code with the principle of taxation: An example taken from the crime of abandonment of post”, Revista Derechos Humanos, Conflicto y Justicia, 1(2), pp. 111–128. doi: 10.25062/2955-0262.4714.


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