The Army of Brazil


  • Paul F. Wachholz Staff for Intelligence, Department of the Army


Biografía del autor/a

Paul F. Wachholz, Staff for Intelligence, Department of the Army

Major. US Army Staff has a long-standing interest in South America, its people, history and armed forces. He was born in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil in 1915 where his missionary parents resid in the early 1900's. He was educated in the US, receiving a Bachelor's degree at Valparaiso University, Indiana and a Master's degree from American University, Washington, D. C. The thesis submitted for his degree was, “The Gaucho and the German Homesteader – Brazilian Regional Types”.

In 1940, he enlisted in the U. S. military forces and was commissioned a 2d Lieutenant of Artillery in 1941. He was promoted to 1st lieutenant in 1943, Captain in 1945 Major in 1951.

He served in the South Pacific from 1941- 1943; and in the European Theater during 1944-45. He is graduate of the Advanced Anti-Aircraft Artillery School and the U. S. Army General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth. He was assingned to the Department of Portuguese at the Army Language School, Presidio of Monterrey, California from 1947- 1949. During 1949-1952 he served in Brazil as Assistart G—3 of the Joint Brazil - US Military Commission.

From 1952-56, Major Wachholz was a member of the staff and faculty of the US Army Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth Kansas, assigned to the Allied Officers Section. Several Colombian officers are included among the illustrious Free World leaders with whom he associated in the conduct of instruction of the Alied Officers course at Fort Leavenworth. He is author of the US Army text, “Military English for Allied Officers”. In Korea during 1956-57, he served as Deputy Public information Officer with the Eigth U. S. Army and Deputy Information Officer with the United Nations Command. Since 1958 he has been assigned to the Director of Foreing Intelligence, Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of the Army.


Cómo citar

Wachholz, P. F. (1961) «The Army of Brazil», Revista de las Fuerzas Armadas, (6), pp. 743–746. doi: 10.25062/0120-0631.4399.


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