National maritime awareness

Promoter of the construction of a local State




National maritime awareness, construction of local State, institutional relationship


The construction of a local state is a relationship process between state institutions and communities based on institutional legitimacy. The thesis put forward is that national maritime awareness can contribute to the process of building a local State in coastal and insular areas. In the first argument, it is stated that it strengthens the institutional relationship since it allows the State to know about the particularities of the territory. As a second argument, it is indicated that it strengthens the capacities of institutions to make decisions adjusted to the legal system and provide essential services, improving their legitimacy. In the third argument, it is affirmed that it allows the recognition of the economic potential of the coastal and insular zone, generating development proposals in accordance with its singularities.

Author Biography

Carol Dayan Junco-Camargo, Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá D.C., Colombia

Professional in Political Science and Government from the Universidad del Rosario. She is currently a master's student in National Security and Defense at the Escuela Superior de Guerra.


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How to Cite

Junco-Camargo, C. D. (2022) “National maritime awareness: Promoter of the construction of a local State”, Ensayos sobre Estrategia Marítima, 6(15), pp. 51–58. doi: 10.25062/2500-4735.3100.


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