Operaciones navales cooperativas de no guerra en el escenario regional - un ejercicio del poder naval, desde la perspectiva de la Escuela Superior de Guerra Naval de la Marina de Guerra del Perú


  • Mario Caballero Ferioli Educación de la Marina de Guerra del Perú, Perú




The Navy of Peru is one of the components of the Armed Forces of Peru, and as such fulfills the strategic roles of guaranteeing sovereignty and territorial integrity, contributing to internal order, participating in national development, integrating the national management system disaster risk and participate in the foreign policy of the country. On this occasion, we will focus on highlighting a successful program that Peru has been developing, the National Program “Action Platforms for Social Inclusion” of the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion, implemented as part of the Strategy for Social Action with Sustainability, and in which the Ministry of Defense, the Armed Forces and in particular,the Navy of Peru plays an important role with the Itinerant Platforms of Social Action, fluvial and lacustrine vessels built and equipped with all the advances required to provide diverse services to the vulnerable rural and native populations located in the border areas of the country, and which are operated by the Peruvian Navy.



Contralmirante (Ret.) Mario Caballero Ferioli. Ex - Director General de Educación de la Marina de Guerra del Perú. Doctor en Educación. Docente - Investigador en la Escuela Superior de Guerra Naval - Marina de Guerra del Perú.


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