Naval Drones, a Revolution in Military Affairs? The Case of Russia-Ukraine




control##common.commaListSeparator## guerra naval##common.commaListSeparator## RMA##common.commaListSeparator## teatro operacional marítimo##common.commaListSeparator## USV


The role that the presence of Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USV) is acquiring is relevant, which seem to be driving a revolution in military affairs (RMA), fundamentally changing the way in which the armed forces operate and confront each other in the naval war. offering notable advantages, such as high speed, low radar detection, maneuverability, low acquisition and operation costs, and almost total absence of crews. These are some of the characteristics evidenced in the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine, becoming a new threat and concern for the opposing naval force that intends to conquer, dispute or exercise control of the sea, due to the complexity that its detection and the anxiety represent. that generates these systems, causing the control of the maritime theater of operations and the maritime interests of a nation to be uncertain and difficult.



Capitán de Corbeta de la Armada Nacional de Colombia. Magister en Estrategia y Geopolítica, Escuela Superior de Guerra “General Rafael Reyes Prieto”, Colombia. Profesional en Ciencias Navales, y de la Administración de la Escuela Naval de Cadetes “Almirante Padilla”, Colombia


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