Cyberspace: a determining variable within the country's Maritime Power in the digital age




Cyberspace, Maritime Power, Information Superiority, Maritime Transportation System, Technology of the information and communication


This paper aims to approach how the Maritime Power of a country, in a digital age, requires the use of cyberspace in an effective way. So, that through it you can achieve an advantage over other states. For which, through the bibliographic review, we sought to understand the concept of Maritime Power, that of Cyberspace, what is the relationship between these two concepts, to show how through the superiority of information a competitive advantage can be found. Therefore, it was possible to conclude that through the use of network-focused systems, a situational awareness of the entire maritime domain is achieved, which allows improving its operations, and being more effective in this globalized world. In the same way, it is concluded that the effective use of cyberspace by the Maritime Power brings benefits in the well-being and development of the nation.

Author Biography

Jorge Ricardo Espinel-Bermúdez, Escuela Superior de Guerra “General Rafael Reyes Prieto”

Ship Captain (R) of the Colombian National Navy. Master in Cybersecurity and Cyberdefense from the Higher War School, Colombia. Specialist in University Teaching and National Security from the Higher War School, Colombia. Naval Electronic Engineer and Professional in Naval Sciences from the Escuela Naval de Cadetes “Almirante Padilla”, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Espinel-Bermúdez, J. R. (2022) “Cyberspace: a determining variable within the country’s Maritime Power in the digital age”, Ensayos sobre Estrategia Marítima, 6(16), pp. 79–95. doi: 10.25062/2500-4735.3125.


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