The role of the Isthmus of Panama during the discovery of America and the colony




Darien, Isthmus of Panama, Caribbean Sea, South Sea, Morphological power


The sea over time has allowed the exchange of raw materials and goods between countries, supporting the processes of industrialization and urbanization, and with it, economic growth and the well-being of the population. Within this context, the discovery of America takes place with the Caribbean Sea as a geographical setting, made up of insular and continental territories; which, in turn, originates the colonial period led by Spain, Portugal and England, mainly. Through this writing, it is evident how Spain takes advantage of the morphological power provided by the Isthmus of Panama, as the closest point between the Caribbean and the Pacific seas; allowing its territorial expansion in America by sea. In this dynamic, Santa María de la Antigua del Darién is displaced by Our Lady of the Assumption of Panama, as the epicenter of this colonial process. 

Author Biography

Luis Renato Amórtegui-Rodríguez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

PhD student in Political Science and Administration and International Relations from the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. Master in Strategy and Geopolitics from the “General Rafael Reyes Prieto” Superior War School, Colombia. Master of Business Administration – MBA from the Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia. Master in Planning and Administration of Regional Development from the University of Los Andes, Colombia. Economist from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.


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How to Cite

Amórtegui-Rodríguez, L. R. (2022) “The role of the Isthmus of Panama during the discovery of America and the colony”, Ensayos sobre Estrategia Marítima, 6(16), pp. 115–124. doi: 10.25062/2500-4735.3128.


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