La Armada de México y el Concepto MDA (Maritime Domain Awareness)


  • Daniel Alfredo Alfaro Flores Centro de Estudios Superiores Navales de la Armada de México, México



Knowledge of the maritime environment, maritime information, Common Operational Panorama, maritime and port security, information systems


The number and complexity of the operations carried out by the Mexican Navy focused on maritime and port security and protection, requires a more effective and efficient use of the available Forces; to achieve this, it is necessary to have detailed information on the activities that occur in the maritime area of interest. Achieving the above requires the participation of national and international agencies and institutions in a dynamic exchange of maritime information, to reduce uncertainty and support the decision making of the Commanders at the different levels of command. This need led the Navy of Mexico to take as reference the MDA concept, in order to create for those who exercise command, a series of tools that facilitate decision making, providing complete and timely information of what happens in the Marine Areas. Mexicans through a Common Operational Panorama.

Author Biography

Daniel Alfredo Alfaro Flores, Centro de Estudios Superiores Navales de la Armada de México, México

Capitán de Navío (Armada de México). Magíster en Administración Naval del Centro de Estudios Superiores Navales de la Armada de México. Oficial Naval egresado de la Heroica Escuela Naval Militar como Ingeniero en Ciencias Navales, Docente-Investigador internacional invitado en la Escuela Superior de Guerra “General Rafael Reyes Prieto” 2018.


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How to Cite

Alfaro Flores, D. A. (2018) “La Armada de México y el Concepto MDA (Maritime Domain Awareness)”, Ensayos sobre Estrategia Marítima, 3(8), pp. 23–38. doi: 10.25062/2500-4735.376.


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