The strategic competencies of Russia and China for influence in the States of the Greater Caribbean




China, Greater Caribbean, Navy, Russia, Sea, Strategic


Possessing great strategic value, the Greater Caribbean is the target of covetousness by extracontinental powers, such as Russia and China. There are various types of interests in the region, including economic, historical, and even political-ideological ones. And in this context, the importance of the sea and the need to have a strong Naval Force, an imperative present in the strategies of both States, increases. With the goal of once again becoming a major global player, Vladimir Putin’s Russia has drawn ever closer to the countries of the region; and China, in search of the “Chinese dream”, has the Belt and Road Initiative as its most important strategy, where its Navy is a great protagonist.


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How to Cite

Melo da Silva, M. (2023) “The strategic competencies of Russia and China for influence in the States of the Greater Caribbean”, Ensayos sobre Estrategia Marítima, 7(17), pp. 89–109. doi: 10.25062/2500-4735.4738.


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