Origin and Evolution of the Inter-American Naval War Games





Origen, Evolución, Juegos de Guerra Naval, Interamericanos, Estrategia


The Inter-American Naval War Games (JGNI) are an international military event that takes place every two years since 1960. The JGNI are a series of naval exercises involving countries from the Americas, in which simulated naval conflict scenarios are played out with the goal of improving the operability and cooperation among the armed forces of participating countries. In the following article entitled “Origin and Evolution of the Inter-American Naval War Games,” the origin and development of the JGNI will be analyzed from its creation to the present day, in order to raise awareness of the advances and impact of the Naval War Games, its structure, and how it could be improved or restructured by implementing strategy, limiting the study of observation and interpretation of already registered information and data without the need for testing, rehearsals, or experiments.

Author Biography

Pedro Meladio Knight Rymer, Armada de República Dominicana, República Dominicana

Capitán de Navío de la Armada de República Dominicana. Magíster in Law , en estudios estratégicos, Universidad de Defensa Nacional de la República de China (Taiwán). Ingeniero Electromecánico Mención Electrónica, Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, República Dominicana. Docente investigador, Escuela Superior de Guerra “General Rafael Reyes Prieto”, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Knight Rymer, P. M. (2023) “Origin and Evolution of the Inter-American Naval War Games”, Ensayos sobre Estrategia Marítima, 7(18), pp. 147–164. doi: 10.25062/2500-4735.4791.


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