Leadership in the Colombian Military Forces: A comprehensive experience in the fight against terrorism


  • Luis Ernesto Cortés Díaz Granados National Army of Colombia
  • Jaime Alfonso Cubides Cárdenas Superior School of War
  • Antonio Fajardo Rico University of the Amazonia



Palabras clave:

Human Rights, International Humanitarian Law, Military Forces, Leadership, Defense Sector


Colombia has fought an irregular war, including guerrilla warfare and a counterinsurgency generated by different armed groups operating within the margins of the law (Sánchez-Cabarcas, 2009). These groups have victimized the nation with violence surrounding the drug trade, forced displacement, forced disappearances and terrorism. The Colombian National Army has played a great role in this irregular war where it has won the victory by its position as a leader throughout Colombia with different actions in education and in full compliance with international provisions related to Human Rights, International Humanitarian Law and the strategic positioning of the defense sector.

Biografía del autor/a

Luis Ernesto Cortés Díaz Granados, National Army of Colombia

Lieutenant – Colonel of the National Army of Colombia, Director of the Center for Strategic Studies on Security and National Defense CSSSND of the Superior School of War - Master of Science in Defense Analysis-- Naval Postgraduate School, University of Monterrey – California. Contact: luisernesto.cortes@gmail.com

Jaime Alfonso Cubides Cárdenas, Superior School of War

Lawyer and specialist in Public Law of the Autonomous University of Colombia, Specialist and Magister in Teaching and research with emphasis in the juridical sciences and Magister in Administrative Law of the Sergio Arboleda University. Research Adviser at CSSSND of the Superior School of War. Contact: jaimecubides@ gmail.com

Antonio Fajardo Rico, University of the Amazonia

Lawyer of the University of the Amazonia and professional in management of the National University (UNAD), specialist in management and human talent of the University of Amazonia. Nowadays he is studying a master in Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law in the Catholic University of Colombia. Investigator opf the research group of Environmental and Peace Observatory of the Amazonia University. Contact: gerencia@fa- jardomurciaabogados.com

Referencias bibliográficas

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Cómo citar

Cortés Díaz Granados, L. E. ., Cubides Cárdenas, J. A. . y Fajardo Rico, A. . (2017) «Leadership in the Colombian Military Forces: A comprehensive experience in the fight against terrorism», Estudios en Seguridad y Defensa, 12(23), pp. 97–108. doi: 10.25062/1900-8325.242.


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